We are a trusted Distributor & Supplier Company, engrossed in offering quality assured One Way Key Fob to our clients in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India. Contrary to popular belief, most burglaries are not random, unplanned acts. In most cases, the burglar is someone who has observed you over time: a former household help or even your ex-watchman could be a potential threat. He knows your property, the people in it and in many cases, their routine. As for your valuables, every experienced burglar knows where to find them: drawers, cupboards and safes. Specification - Modulation: Ask (ON-OFF keying) Coding: 28-bit ID, 4-bit function code and 32-bit rolling code Transmission Duration: Each button press causes transmission for upto 2 seconds Power Supply: 12 V alkaline battery Current Consumption: 11 µA (during transmission)